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Dr. Jorge Camara, internationally renowned ophthalmologist and classically trained pianist, has combined the incredible relaxing properties of classical music with medicine in a unique project. At this site you can learn about music’s healing properties, get acquainted with Dr. Camara, and listen to samples of his piano performance. A CD of his music – the first ever recorded in an operating room – entitled Live From the Operating Room is also available here for purchase.

Mankind has used music throughout history to heighten and enhance emotion. Rousing music can fortify an army while gentle music can soothe and relax jangled nerves. Dr. Camara uses music in his medical practice for its relaxing and sedative properties, helping his patients cope better with the physical and psychological stress of undergoing surgery. Music’s many healing properties include:

• lessening pain intensity and the need for painkillers

• relieving anxiety and decreasing the need for anti-anxiety medications and sedatives

• decreasing stress hormones released during surgery

• Many other beneficial effects of music on patients undergoing surgery can be found in numerous studies published in the medical literature.

Imagine undergoing surgery. You are wheeled into the operating room, then once through the doors, you see your surgeon playing relaxing music on the piano for you as others prepare you for surgery! Close your eyes for a moment, and listen to the music. Dr. Camara’s Live From the Operating Room was recorded on site, bringing you as close as possible to his live performance.

You can purchase the CD by clicking the buttons below.


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